Wednesday, March 16, 2011

silly seers and superstition?

sign of the kiwi: photo by virtual tourist

sceptics in defiance of a report released by the kremlin last week are disputing predictions that there'll be another quake in NZ around the end of this week. the report partially corroborates some of renegade weather predictor ken ring's announcement that there'll be another quake in new zealand around march 20th.

to demonstrate the extent of their disbelief, the sceptics are planning a lunch in one of christchurch's [still standing] oldest stone building's [the sign of the kiwi]. they will be joined by ACC government minister, nick smith in order to expose what they say is popular mythology and "nonsense" due to concern that a large number of people have been taking the predictions seriously. one can only hope if they're wrong they order very dry martinis as extreme aperitifs. james bond would surely approve.

a "super moon" is predicted for this saturday by astronomers. the web is awashed with theories about its connection to earthquakes which is disputed widely by various scientific factions. the moon will be at its perigee, the closest point to earth on its orbit on march 19 as well as being a full moon. it will be the closest the moon has been to earth in almost  two decades.

the sun unleashed a powerful Class X1.5 solar flare on March 9, 2011, a solar storm that could supercharge earth's auroras. The flare was recorded by NASA's solar dynamics observatory and other spacecraft. here, it appears in white at the upper right of the sun as seen by the solar dynamics observatory.

this is coupled with an arc of increased solar flare activity which has been shown to have significant impact on our weather and magnetics. the japanese earthquake last week was preceded the day before by a massive solar flare. russian researchers have shown the connection between earthquakes and magnetic storms is about 50%.

there's also been an alleged HAARP connection leading once more back to the european oligarch's and US/NWO powerbrokers... interesting.

ken ring has responded to the traditional media, sceptics and scientific institution that he is not needlesslessly fearmongering and pointed out that the scope of science is immense without much being understood demonstrating that many universities around the world are working on a lunar and/or solar link to earthquakes and then asked "what is science?"

ring also cited additional support to this theory by referring to the national geographic article about a study co-authored by a graduate student from the university of california, showing a correlation between tides and earthquakes, and a report link on the study.

he has produced extra evidential support through links to an article in the journal of geophysical research 'evidence for tidal triggering of earthquakes as revealed from statistical analysis of global data'  with a link to a blog by biologist dr jennifer marohasy which references the moon's position at the time of the tokyo quake.

also included a link to this story which is based on the kremlin's report:

First posted by Real News Reporter on March 12, 2011.

A new report released today in the Kremlin prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth, in Moscow, is warning that the America’s are in danger of suffering a mega-quake of catastrophic proportions during the next fortnight (14 days) with a specific emphasis being placed on the United States, Mexico, Central America and South American west coast regions along with the New Madrid Fault Zone region.

This report further warns that catastrophic earthquakes in Asia and the sub-continent are, also, “more than likely to occur” with the 7.3 magnitude quake in Japan today being “one of at least 4 of this intensity” to occur during this same time period.

Raising the concerns of a mega-quake occurring, this report says, are the increasing subtle electromagnetic signals that are being detected in the Earth’s upper atmosphere over many regions of the World, with the most intense being over the US Western coastal and Midwest regions.

Important to note are that Russian and British scientists are at the forefront of predicting earthquakes based on these subtle electromagnetic signals and have joined in an effort to put satellites in space to detect more of them.

More ominously in this report are Russian scientists confirming the independent analysis of New Zealand mathematician and long-range weather forecaster, Ken Ring, who predicted the deadly Christchurch quake and this week issued another warning of a quake to hit on or about March 20th.

Ring explains his methodology for predicting earthquakes as follows:
“The planets very much affect the earth, indirectly, by having an effect on the Sun. Some planets are very large. If the Sun was a basketball the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn would be the size of grapefruits, and the Earth would be, on that scale, the size of a peppercorn.

Jupiter and Saturn cause extra tides on the Sun when they get on either side of the Sun (as with Moon – Earth-Sun when the moon is full) and when these gas giants get on the same side as the Sun, (as with Earth -Moon – Sun when the moon is new). These greater solar tides become sunspot activity and solar flares and can be understood as akin to the increase in tides caused by the Moon when it too gets alongside Earth or opposite Earth.

At the moment we have Jupiter and Saturn on either side of the Sun and creating a tug of war with Earth in the middle. That started last September and will continue until about May. In September the Earth was right in line with Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun too.

That’s why there were several 7+ earthquakes around, it wasn’t just us. For instance there was one in Pakistan on the same day as Christchurch. This Jupiter/Saturn alignment continues until about May, and the Earth comes back into line as well in March. It is why there may be an extreme event, perhaps a large earthquake, around 20 March, which is when the Moon may be again in a trigger position.”

According to this report, however, where Ring is correct in assessing blame for our Earth’s earthquakes on the Sun and Planets, his substituting of Perigean Spring Tides (also known as King Tides) for the low pressure systems associated with them may be incorrect.

The mention in this report of massive low pressure systems being associated with catastrophic earthquakes is especially dire to the United States Midwestern region, which even today is continuing to be pounded by horrific rainfall amounts, and most especially impacting the New Madrid Fault Zone State of Arkansas which has suffered over 800 earthquakes in the past 6 months alone.

Equally in danger, this report continues, is the South American Nation of Bolivia which has, likewise, suffered catastrophic low pressure system storms that in the past week have killed over 52 people.

Most ominous in this report, though, is its warning that the fault-riddled State of California may be about to suffer its most catastrophic earthquake in decades as new reports for this region show the mass death of millions of fish [photo bottom left] is now occurring, and just like the mass stranding of whales on New Zealand beaches days prior to the February 22nd destruction of Christchurch.

Making the situation for our Planet even grimmer are the reports that our Sun is continuing to spew forth massive solar flares, the latest warned to hit our Earth today or tomorrow thus prompting the Hermanus Space Weather Warning Centre (SWWC) to issue a Solar Flare warning for the Southern Hemisphere.

Interesting to note in all of these events is the United States Army announcing this week that it is holding a rare training event involving the US Military, the CIA, Canadian officers, US Treasury and State departments, the US Agency for International Development, the Defense Threat Readiness Agency and the International Red Cross between March 21-25 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and which should the worst happen they will certainly be prepared for it.

As this report concludes, that as of yet, “no firmly reliable” method for predicting earthquakes has been scientifically recognized, it is well worth noting the too many to be ignored anomalous coincidences leading up to catastrophic mega-quakes are breaking out all over the World and should only be ignored at ones peril.

as the clock ticks away, we don't have long to wait to see whether the sceptics can legitimately mock the seers. do they know something we don't? perhaps they've received the HAARP weekly memo already.

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